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Shawn Tepper-Levine, D.O. is a New Jersey based Osteopathic physician specializing in Osteopathic Manipulation. She is board certified in Neuromuscular Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. Dr. Tepper-Levine completed her pre-medical training at the University of Florida where she received a degree in nutritional sciences. She then earned her D.O. degree from Nova Southeastern School of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. After a rotating internship at Lutheran Hospital in Brooklyn, NY she completed a two year residency program in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, NY.

Dr. Tepper-Levine has studied with many of the leading osteopaths around the world and continues to take advanced training in osteopathic manipulation including cranial osteopathy, visceral manipulation and biodynamic treatment.  In addition, Dr. Tepper-Levine continues her advanced training in nutrition, herbal medicine, and functional medicine. Dr. Tepper-Levine is currently a faculty member at the Osteopathic Cranial Academy, The Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, and Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine.  She mentors students and residents in her office and gives talks on osteopathy and nutrition to the community. Dr. Tepper-Levine collaborates with functional dentists using the Advanced Lightwire Functional (ALF) device. A thorough evaluation of a person's history from birth to present including traumas, lifestyle, diet, exercise, stresses, and environment is conducted. After a complete structural exam her patients are treated with osteopathic manipulation and prescriptions for medications and/or recommendations for diet, exercise, counseling, and surgery are given when indicated.  Dr. Tepper-Levine is a member of the American Osteopathic Association, American Academy of Osteopathy, Osteopathic Cranial Academy, ILADS, and the Institute for Functional Medicine.  Dr. Tepper-Levine has also completed the Moorcroft Lyme Disease Practitioner Certification and continues in the Lyme Mentorship Program. 

Moorcroft Lyme Disease Practitioner Certification

Shawn Tepper-Levine, D.O.           ~           Osteopathic Manipulation             ~ 

20 Heathcote Road Kingston, NJ 08528 

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